Update: Christmas 2015, Global Winter Wonderland, & 3rd Trimester Update
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This year was an interesting experience for me since I’m still not fully used to having an American Christmas. I grew up going to Hong Kong every Christmas. So typically during the Christmas holiday my family does a lot of shopping in Hong Kong and eats out for every meal but we don’t usually open presents in front of a Christmas tree. In Hong Kong, there are few Christians, so Christmas is very commercialized but not many people in Hong Kong understand the true meaning of Christmas. I never minded not opening presents in front of a Christmas tree while growing up because Hong Kong is a shopper’s paradise and my parents would usually buy me plenty of things in Hong Kong. This year because I am pregnant we obviously couldn’t travel. So we had a happy but quiet Christmas at home in Elk Grove. It was Roxy’s first American Christmas with presents wrapped under the tree. Christmas Eve, Kenny and I were trying to wrap gifts and we left Roxy to her own devices only to discover awhile later that Roxy had gotten her hands on a sharpie and proceeded to mark plenty of items and furniture. (Useful tip: Goo Gone works wonders when you’re trying to get rid of sharpie marks!)
Roxy left out cookies, carrot sticks, and some juice for Santa. She has a pretty warped view of Santa because she met him last year on the MTR (subway) in Hong Kong and he gave her a keychain. She has been hearing about Santa from her friends at school. We tried to tell Roxy about the birth of Christ as well but she gets it all mixed up. It was totally worth it all though to see the look on her face when she opened her gifts and saw the little kitchen we got her. I got Kenny a 2 tap beer kegerator (I may live to regret this!), a dart board, 2 Knicks jerseys, and a Trust Me I’m A Doctor shirt. I also received a laptop, Ginger Elizabeth chocolate, a bread maker, an adult coloring book and pencils (which I have been wanting), and massager with real jade heads. We also went over and spent Christmas at the home of some close family friends, who always invite us over when my family is in Hong Kong and we’re in town for Christmas. All in all, it was a wonderful Christmas.
We capped off the Christmas festivities by going to Global Winter Wonderful at Cal Expo in Sacramento. We tend to go on a yearly basis now and it’s a lot of fun. The lights were pretty this year and the kids had fun on the rides although it was really cold.
I am well into my 3rd trimester of pregnancy. I was worrying that I might have gestational diabetes because I didn’t pass the 1 hour glucose test. So they scheduled me for a 3 hour glucose test where I drank double the amount of sugary stuff I drank the first time and they withdrew blood 3 times. It was agony. Fortunately though, I passed the second glucose test and don’t have gestational diabetes. I can only conclude that I may have had a little too much sugar before the first test since it was right after Christmas and people had given us fudge, shortbread, toffee, cookies, and plenty of sweets as Christmas gifts.
Anyway, now I’m at 31 weeks with 8 more weeks left to go. Our baby girl is still cooking. They said she’s a little smaller than they would like but that could be just because I’m a petite person. The most recent ultrasounds turned out well and you can totally see her facial features on the pics. I’m having a lot of back and pelvic pain and am having a very hard time getting around so I would appreciate prayer for that. Please also continue to pray for the development of our baby girl and that she would be delivered safely and without any health issues.
I hope you’re all having a Happy New Year! May you and your families be blessed in 2016!
About author
Dr. Jacqueline "Jax" Cheung grew up in Sacramento, California. She is a Proud Mom, DrPH, MBA, Foodie, Writer, Blogger, Adoption Advocate, INFJ, & Breast Cancer Survivor. Jax is the owner of the award winning Jax Chronicles Blog & Adoption Ministry. She is also the Editor-In-Chief of the Elk Grove Tribune, and freelances for Sacramento4Kids, and many other publications. She was voted Sacramento Area A-List Best Local Blogger 2014, 2015, 2017 & 2018 and Best of Elk Grove Best Blogger 2016 & 2017. In 2019 & 2022 Jax was recognized for Outstanding Service & Dedication to Elk Grove and also received an Award of Recognition from the California State Senate. Jax lives in Elk Grove, California with her 2 daughters named Roxy and Carissa, 1 dog named Marshmallow, and 2 cats named Mochi and Miso. .To follow her journey please like her Jax Chronicles Facebook page, follow her Instagram @jaxchronicles, follow her Twitter @jaxchronicles, or check out Jax Chronicles Blog & Adoption ministry.
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